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In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
- Robert Frost

about us;

born 20th february 1988
schooled at MGS, ACJC and NUS
Loves reading, riding a hot air balloon, travelling around the world, shopping :) and playing the piano.


born 9th november 1986
schooled at Ai Tong, Catholic High, AJC and UNSW
Loves tiffany :), the bass, world of warcraft, simpsons and south park.


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Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Todays post will be a tribute to a fish. Not just any fish mind you.. A special special fish all the way from VIETNAM.... This is a picture of him.... I shall call him Fry.

This is Fry. Everyone say hi to Fry.

Fry was a happy little fish. Swimming in the rivers of Pu Chai Nongg (or whatever vietnamese river he came from), he grew from a little egg to become this huge fish. He had many friends and was happy.

But Alas his happiness wasnt meant to last, and one day he got CAUGHT by some fishermen in Sampanss... (see tiff's previous post for the fishermen in the sampans)...

Fry with the fisherwoman

And that is the end of Fry. He is henceforth known as FRIED.

Infected with pre exam stress,
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
i'm back i'm back!!

from vietnam (ho chi minh) and from youth camp :)

YOUTH camp was really AWESOME!!! had a really fun time and a time of refreshing.. the move of God was so tangible and so powerful.. we hardly managed to hear what the preacher wrote for her sermons cause in almost every service God had other plans and all.. and you could literally feel God's presence during altar call and all.. not only service was interesting but in all the fun and games too.. heee i remember the last night we had to crawl on baked beans and tofu and raw egg.. DAMN disgusting larr.. hahaha.. and like gossiped till the wee hours in the morning.. hahahha gossip queens.. haha oh oh and derek got spot checked on his birthday and we found loads of *ahem* stuff in his room... GOSH derek i didn't know you sooo D.O.M. XD oh oh and dominic hulme found this really hilarious cup of instant coffe mix with guess whatt???? TONGKAT ALI!!! hahahaha and they even printed on the side--> ADA KICK!! hahhahahha super funny.. oh and DISCLAIMER* i am NOT cancer girl nor do i have a growth at the back of my head.. * camp was over too fast.. that's all i can say.. beams..

came back from camp and immediately left for ho chi minh the next day.. heee i seem to be jetsetting everywhere.. i would really love to go aussie though.. vietnam was an eye opener.. it's like the first holiday for the entire family for the longest time where we actuallly got to fly somewhere.. i must say that the vietnamese pple are rather creative in their art work and all and the stuff there were relatively cheap and not bad looking.. went down the cu chi tunnel.. just realized that my papa is cloistrophobic.. oops..

jordan and i at the doorway of cu chi tunnel

inside the cu chi tunnel

also went down the mekong river and visited various islands.. heee they have funny names for the islands like unicorn island, turtle island, dragon island and phoenix island.. went to see diff factories like honey bees and coconut candy factory.. ate vietnamese food like pho and their 'popiah' thingy till sian.. somemore they add like super alot of mint inside larr along with loads of other kinds of raw vege.. heeeee.. totally cleaned my system.. grinss..

my bro and his antics

the fish that we just caught (poor thing!)

statue of Bac Ho; behind is some palace

in a sampan going down the mekong river

crossing a makeshift bridge

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Heyss... haha i shall attempt to revive this prematurely dead blog... added a song to it... See...


Anyways Tiff has gone for youth camp, along with most of you i presume, and I'm left here far away in Aussie land. Argh... And I still have so so many days left to go back to Singapore... Double Argh!!... Exam is on the 26th.. So I'm kinda in my last few weeks of school, following that will be my 3 weeks break where i'll be all alone again cause my 2 house mates are going back to SG while i have to wait another 157 days.. sighss.. oh well no money what to do rightt.. heh..

Oh and to someone out there whos been having super gay dreams about me, i shall refrain from mentioning names (Sashi), heh.. glad to know that ure thinking of me, but its really unhealthy you knoww.. hahaha.... wink winks*...

Bored to bits,