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In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
- Robert Frost

about us;

born 20th february 1988
schooled at MGS, ACJC and NUS
Loves reading, riding a hot air balloon, travelling around the world, shopping :) and playing the piano.


born 9th november 1986
schooled at Ai Tong, Catholic High, AJC and UNSW
Loves tiffany :), the bass, world of warcraft, simpsons and south park.


HTML Counters
Sunday, May 25, 2008
stone stone stone -.-

havent been doing much lately.. haha.. okies not really not doing much.. more like falling sick alot.. oops.. came down with flu after the event with acs (i) must be all the standing in the sun and shouting to be heard over the din about how to use a clinometer.. which i had no idea how to use till tues, now i'm an EXPERT in clinometer usage now :) went back to hong wen school the next day to bring the next batch of students to acm and nms again.. i must say this time the classes were more well behaved partly i think because it's one of the better classes.. not so much herding of students this time around..

found another job.. heee quite slack job.. invigilating for acca.. some accounts exam.. in acjc.. grins which is like at my doorstep the main reason why i chose it.. but i must say it pays quite alright for slacking around.. oops.. 40 per day i go down..

and found another job again.. grins i seem to be doing loads of jobs this one is piano tuitioning at my piano school.. well it's not really confirmed yet but my teacher says should be alright if i join.. wheee.. but only teaching beginners lar.. should be quite fun.. hopefully..

fever has been fluctuating.. was 38.7 just now but came down and is around 37 now.. i think got some virus cause i still feel abit feverish even though the temp is down, so must take antibiotics.. tomorrow going to doc.. i'm seriously like the worst child in terms of falling sick.. oops.. it's always me who falls sick the most.. hee must learn to not fall sick soooooo easily..

oh oh.. and grandpa's been discharged :D wheee.. doc's didnt really find anything wrong with him only some virus so instead of the intra venous antibiotics that they were giving him, now they'll be giving him oral antibiotics to he'll get to go home.. too bad jordie and i are sick.. so grandpa's gotta stay with koko for the time being..

so in all, everything's fine for the moment (other than the sickness ): ).
Gunung Arong
Monday, May 19, 2008
i'm BACK!
gunung arong was super tiring.. i seem to get tired alot these past few days.. oops.. must exercise to build up stamina :) anyway more about gunung arong, it was seriously tiring at least the trekking bit.. went up on the second day as alot of hickups happened during the first day with transportation and all so had to postpone the trek.. woke up at 4.30am to pack up and prepare to move out for the trek.. and we're talking about a one star trek here.. hahaha.. during the first 5 mins up the hill, you could practically hear everyone wheezing and breathing really hard.. what can i say.. I WAS FOOLED.. thought it'll be like a walk in the park.. but boy was i wrong.. but i must say the view on top was breathtaking and partly worth it.. hahahha yeah take note of the word PARTLY.. grins.. the ascent was quite short and sharp taking only an hour but it was really really steep (the entire trek took like 4 hours to complete.. loads of exercise that i was getting) however, the descent was too long for my liking and there were parts where the trail was practically too dangerous that we had to hold on to ropes tied on the side and a misjudgement could mean quite serious injuries.. quite glad that my ankle it quite strong and flexible if not there would have been many sprains happening.. made it down to the beach in the end and some pple took off their shoes to play in the water, the beach is soooo pristine unlike our beaches in singapore where the sand is imported and really rough.. i mean if you wanna import sand at least import some good quality sand right? anyway, had a long way more to go before we reached back to the chalet so had to climb over really huge boulders by the beach and trying to not get my sports shoes wet.. reminded me about my childhood when i used to love climbing over rocks by the beach, but this time there were seriously alot of rocks and it didnt seem as fun as when we're young.. funny how persepctives change when we get older.. like i used to really really hate eating liver, but now liver is quite alright i mean i can eat it lar at least.. so climbed along super alot of huge boulders jumping from one to another almost slipped a few times evading the crashing waves.. then reached this part where we had to cross over a part of the sea if not we couldnt get to the other side.. so much for not getting wet in the first place.. hahha ironic.. anyway changed into my slippers which i brought along and promptly lost one side when i went into the water.. the water like reached some tall guys chest when he went in and KY was speculating whether it'll cover my head.. oops.. but then i can swim so it wasnt too bad.. after the crossing walked back along the beach which was fun walking barefooted since i didnt wanna change back into my sports shoes and i lost a side of my slippers however had to walk back on the long stretch of hot tar road later on.. that wasnt so fun.. i felt like an african without any shoes.. it felt painful esp the part where there were loads of pebbles and it literally cut through the skin.. really felt like being back to basics :) and back to nature..
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Was too lazy to post on friday... so this is kinda for friday... hehe..

Anyways had quite a normal day in school till i had my female hormone prac..

We actually had rats that we had to dissect. Woohoo!! they were the white kind and were quite bigg, and we had to take out the uterus to weigh to see if oestrogen had any effect on the growth of it.

Heh.. it was quite fun.. after taking the uterus out we continued dissecting the rat.. cutting all the way up so that we could see it's heart and lungs and all... then we turned it around and opened it's skull to see its brains.. quite cool i must sayy.. oh.. and for the male rats their testicles were as big as its foot.. Haha... Humans lose out to rats with regards to manhooD proportionss.. oopss.. but i guess they have to have it big so that they are able to populate the worldd.. heh..

two rather whirlwind days
Friday, May 16, 2008
yesterday i found out that i dun wanna send my children to a neighbourhood school.

no offence to pple who were from neighbourhood schools but heeeee.. I AM NOT SENDING MY KIDS TO A NEIGHBOURHOOD SCHOOL..

yesterday was tiring.. seriously.. super duper tiring.. i felt like a mother hen squaking at her chicks to shut up and listen.. not forgetting i also felt like i was herding cattle waving my arms around so that they'll move.. i wonder why is it so hard to get them moving.. haha obviously i didnt scream at the kids to shut up but heeeee was vexed :(.. good thing my sore throat was clearing up.. bad thing was i was afraid that it'll come back.. oops.. anyway it was fun in a tiring sort of way if you like being irritated by the kids.. but that's not all the kids were like HYPER.. seriously!! can you imagine like their little hands touching priceless stuff pushing and shoving.. scary.. and there was like this curtain thingy for display and there was this cord attached to it.. and for some funny reason it seemed like a really cool thing to play with for the kids so they were like pulling it with all their might.. AND... the curtain rocked back and forth so hard knocking the lamps.. i think the curator almost had a heart attack.. oops.. he was like trailing in between the classes making sure nothing was damaged.. haha destroyed would be a more apt word.. some kids were like pulled apart for fighting and another cried.. luckily these kids werent in my group.. my class was supposedly the more well behaved but it was quite a whirlwind already.. felt soooo dead by the end of it..


there were some really sweet kids like this little boy who was constantly following me around and talking to me.. and being really really cute.. awwwww.. trying to get the answers for the exercise questions from my answer booklet.. and this really really really tiny girl who was like pestering me for my answer booklet to be lent to her.. so there were really some ups in the otherwise really tiring day.. which was good..

today i slept in and yifang came over to check out my new house.. was supposed to go grocery shopping with ky but thennnn SOMEONE was held up in NYP.. oops.. went to visit grandpa later on.. the docs have found a cause for the low blood count and the infection it's an inflamed gall stone so he has to be operated on which may proceed tomorrow.. however more bad news the docs have found a very elevated amount in the indication of a tumour test of his stomach, intestine and colon.. so they'll be doing a scopy of it tomorrow.. praying that it'll be fine and the indication was wrong.. hopefully..

anyway going to gunung arong tomorrow :) quite cool.. going trekking and seeing the sunrise and camping just for a night.. hope i dun get too many mosquito bites..
good and not so good news
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
wait for it.... just wait for ittttt....



A JOB A JOB A JOOOOBBB!!! *dances a jig*

well it's kinda just to tide me over this period and i'm not saying the pay's fantastic or anything.. but i think it's a rather cool job :) get to go alot of places.. something like a tour guide.. just that i'm a facilitator helping tour guides and it's really really flexible and allows me to choose what events i'll like to join.. so tommorow i'll be bringing a bunch of primary school kids from hong wen primary to the asian civilization museum as well as the new national museum of singapore.. and today during the briefing it was like seriously the first time i've been in either one of the museum.. heeee the last time i went there was like in kindergarten.. seriously.. and we made paper :) mine turned out to be rather lumpy oops.. heee but it was cool for a 5 year old kid k.. mashing up unwanted paper then soaking them in water then straining them.. allows the inner destroyer in me to be released once in a while..

anyway on to other not so fun news..

grandpa's been admitted.. well.. he's supposedly getting better.. but he justs wants to be warded for observation cause up till now the docs haven't really been able to tell him why there's a low blood count and all.. so he'll probably be staying there for like 3 days for observation.. like spending time with my family.. i'm weird huh.. but i think it's nice once in awhile to go for supper and pig out..hahha esp the part of not having to pay for myself.. :X ok ok i shall admit it.. i'm a CHEAPO.. you happy noww??

anyway looking forward to job.. hope no hickups happen.. *crosses fingers*
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
ok.. * breathe-in-breathe-out*

i'm officially worried about my grandpa. he's got some bacteria infection and it's taking a toll on him right now.. he's like 91 and i'm just well kinda in a way getting closer to him now than last time cause i used to be afraid of him.. well not really afraid afraid it's just that grandpa used to teach us maths and english in primary school and he'll scold us if we got anything wrong and all so maybe it was just carried over and all.. but i've found that he's this really amazing guy.. seriously :) and i want to find out more about him.. hope he'll pull through this illness.. i hope and pray that he wont be needing to be admitted to the hospital tomorrow that the doctors wont find anything wrong with him and the antibiotics would have work..

*worried worried worried*

Heys.. Finally got the tag board and counter running. Almost destroyed the blog in the process. Haha. When i put the counter on, the whole layout started screwing up and I was like "aRRGgggHH I'm too OLD for this.. Arghhh.." But in the end everything came togetherr.. Haha.. oh and peeps, do tag your blog's URL on the tagboard cause right now we have no links and we're probably too lazy to go and search for them.. hehe..

Race 6 - up the speed, go the distance.
Monday, May 12, 2008

heys pple, check this out!!
NUS ODAC is hosting our very own RACE 6 this year.. so join in on the fun :) or you can actually support us by helping out as helpers for more info just gimme a call or visit the website there..
looking forward to it..

it's finally up (: *woohoo

Welcome welcome!! to the blog which i'm guessing only jeremy and i would be reading. well to all those other KAYPOH pple out there.. yes i know there are somee really really KAYPOH pple, well you're equally welcomed.. see we're such nice pple.. let pple read about all the instances happening in our lives.. vouyeristic vultures.. heeeeeeeee.. okies okies. i'm sure you are all really nice pple.. so here..

HUGGIES for everyone of you ♥